Thursday, January 29, 2009

Excerpt Reaction

Toni Morrison: Beloved 1987

What Morrison spoke about in this excerpt was the unfair treatment of people based on the color of their skin and how these people should not be ashamed of their race. He used very illustrative language to paint a visual of the maltreatment of these people such as, "They don't love your eyes; they'd just as soon pick em out. No more do they love the skin on your back." With racism being a problem in his time, extreme emotion is needed to elicit pride in your race no matter what anyone says or does. Morrison chose the word "flesh" to refer to people. Flesh brings about a more radical reaction and a more graphic picture. Morrison convinced me that loving your flesh needs to be done.

Racism has decreased in recent decades. With the election of an African American president, change has been brought to America. This excerpt would reach out to a lot of Americans. Although the severity of its meaning has been taken differently in the past. The importance of this message is still the same. In my hometown of Hanover, if this excerpt were to be published, I think the message would fall on deaf ears and the theme misinterpreted. Most of Hanover is populated with old white Republicans which probably voted for John McCain. However, the youth is more open now to diversity and prosperity of the races. Overall, this message is a good one no matter what your race is. Everyone needs to be proud of who they are

1 comment:

  1. Two excerpts I picked are "Beloved" Toni Morrison argument is that you have to love the parts of your body yourself. Don't wait for someone else to tell you how your body parts looks. Don't be ashame of your body and most of all remember African Americans you are beautiful. She states "And O my people they do not love your hands". This is telling African Americans that we only love the service that you proved to us but we don't care about your hands never the less your eyes. Malcolm X argument is every one should be created equal and show repect regardless of race color or creed this is reflected in the statement "No matter how much recongnition, whites show towards me, as far as I'm concerned, as long as it is not shown to every one of our people in this country, it doesn't exist for me. This is a indication that Malcolm X who was an African America Leader was respected by whites and other leaders did not get the same respect or recongnition.


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