Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Assignments for February 10 and 12

Assignments for February 10 and 12, 2009
We will not have class this week; however you must complete the assignments thoroughly, by the deadlines, to get your participation (10), writing (25), and draft points (25).

February 10: By class time, please post your first draft of essay #1 to the blog. Use a new post. With your draft, post the lyrics and a link to the video. Don't forget a title!

What I'm looking for in a first draft:
-At least 2 pages
-Flow of consciousness
-More content than organization
-Just get all your ideas down.

February 12: By class time, please post your peer review of your writing partner's draft on the blog, in response to his or her draft post. This peer review will count as one of your additional writing assignments and will be worth 25 points. To help meet the paragraph and sentence minimum, use specific examples from your partner's text.

What I expect of the peer review:
- 4 paragraphs dealing with the rubric

1. Is there a clear thesis? What is it? (copy and paste) Does it deal with rhetoric or subject matter? Does the writer identify the argument of the text and video? What is the argument? (at least 5 sentences)

2. Does the writer provide specific support/examples from the text and video? List these examples. What other examples could the writer include? List these. Where could the writer be more descriptive? (at least 3 sentences and 2 lists)

3. Does the write provide analysis of his or her support/examples? Do the examples help the thesis? How could the writer provide further analysis? List some examples that could use more analysis. (at least 4 sentences and one list)

4. What is the one thing that sticks with you from the essay? This could be an image, a word, a paragraph, etc. Why do you think it's most vivid to you? (at least 2 sentences)

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